Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saturday before christmas (DON'T PANIC, DON'T PANIC)

Come on where's breakfast

These two Kookaburra fly down every morning and evening at a friends place, they are so tame, I have never been game enough to let them eat from my hand - just look at the beak.  The ones in my garden are so damm noisy.  I was up and wide awake again at 5.00.  But thanks to the people over the backs new rooster, the storm birds and the kookies there was no chance I was going to ever get past 5.30.

Going to the market today over in Malanda, Matts still got my car so my friend Pat is coming over for me. If I can get a couple of cheap plants, all the veggies and maybe a couple of small gifts then I will be happy. I refuse to stress out over christmas. I look at all the wonderful blogs and everything they have done for christmas and drool. Where on earth do they get the time. Who does the dusting, how long does it take to get it all down and how do you stop little fingers from dismantling everything. Will I ever get used to christmas in steaming hot weather. 
This year might just be the year I give up on the traditional chrissy dinner.  I'll be happy with out traditional bacon butty all-in for breakfast, cooked outside on the barbi, kids running in and out of the pool, then off to friends for lunch and the yearly catch-up with all the outlaws (used to be in-laws at one stage) and all the blended family members). At this stage we come home and try to assemble out own christmas dinner but we are either too full or too hot and give up. Last year I forgot something and the year before I forgot to make the gravy, nobody could wait. nobody cared and the boys poured tomato sauce over everything.
But that was the year I was recuperating from open heart surgery and very lucky to be seeing christmas so gravy was the last thing on our minds.
This year we are missing another cherished member of the family, so it will be a sad occassion for us all, my beautiful sis in law flies home on Tuesday, I wish I could take away all the "firsts" for her, all I can do is just be there for her.  My beloved left us just before christmas 2006 so that year christmas was a blur, we were still wrapped up in grief so it passed us by, the christmas after I was getting back on my feet and also we had the sadness of another close family member not being with us.  This christmas we will raise our glasses to a wonderful brother-in-law and friend who left us earlier this year.
So I am not panicing, if presents do not get finished or bought, cards do not get sent it is of no great matter. What matters is family and friends and holding close those who are dear to you.
This chrissy will be a time of reflection and gratefulness and a time of giving thanks. Reflection on the past few years, how our lives have changed, how we all coped and how we have all grown, how when I was down  there was always a hand held out.  Gratefulness for just being here to celebrate another christmas, for all the wonderful family and friends we have, for my beautiful granddaughters who bring so much joy into my life, for my sons who whilst not perfect have grown to be good men and make their mother proud and I give thanks for all of this. At this moment, I have all that I need and this one thought will carry me through.

Think about it - for that one moment when the thought was there it was true, the moment passed into the past, the next moment in the future. Why worry.

and on that note I will away to get dressed and have breakfast, put the washing out, do the poo hunt, get my market bag and sit in a patch of sun on the back verandah till my friend gets here, might even make another dishcloth or start some more flowers.

Life if good and I am grateful


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