Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lucky Day

Wooooooohooooooooo. Not included in pic are chocolate turkish delight TimTams (very hard to photo once they've been eaten), small frozen turkey, bottle of Rose wine (I gave that to my friend as she loves Rose) a very very large plum pudding - both it and the christmas cake have been liberally soaked in brandy.
What a lovely surprise when Pat phoned to say I'd won the hamper in her computer club raffle - especially since I hadn't bought a ticket.  She bought four in my name as part of my chrissy pressie. Its practically everything I would have bought if I had had the money to.......and it all came in a large heavy duty wash basket, which I am particularly rapt in as my basket split in two early this morning.  That christamas spirit is creeping back in. 

It funny but the day before when we were shopping I said how much I missed it when Mik always used to win at least two hampers every christmas, I jokingly said 'Come on Mik, get yer finger out and work some magic'. 


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