Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jean Greenhowe dolls

These little cuties were made 29 years ago from a Jean Greenhowe pattern (? sp.). Would I have the patience now to make a dozen of the same thing. I wonder if any of the little girls they were made for as mascots still have them.  Its a scanned old poleroid so thats why the quality is bad. I know the uniforms are dated now but they don't look much different from dolls on Etsy do they.  Just wish I could have back some of that patience I must have had way back in 1981.


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhh the 'Good Old Days'! We all feel like that sometimes. Never mind I bet all that patience is still there, its just resting - needs inspiration, a real purpose to get going again!
    Dolls look so cute, I never die manage to knit properly, but my mum made things like your dolls.

    Hope its not too hot for you over there.

    Vicky x

  2. Oh, how sweet to make all those cute little dolls! And how great that you still have the photo. I was just wishing I had photos of some of the things I've made for my children over the years -- things that have somehow been lost in moves or whatever ;-(.
