He directs me through the pile of stuff in the shed to the corner where the snake is always seen and there under two doors and a few picture frames, in the toolbox under a pile of tools is the charger. Now as i am getting the charger out an ocky strap fell down across my arm - it wasn't just the car that needed charging at that moment. So I have the charger but no extention lead, only the short ones. That was another phone call to son, they are hanging up in the shed, I can't see them anywhere, nother phone call, look up they're hanging from a ceiling hook, get the ladder out. Okay now I am all ready to go. Grab new neighbour ask him how to I do it, he knows less about the inside of cars than me. Phone call to friend, she phones her partner he relays message to tell me which lead to stick on which terminal. Okay got all that, which is the pos and which is the neg, more calls, look for the pos sign, can't see it, look at the wires, find out neg is the black one with the yellow stripe down the wire casing, okay, neighbour escapes while he can. Everything sorted, switch on - nothing, needle doesn't move, more calls. Unplug everything, clean the terminals and leads and reconnect. YAY, we have lift-off. It is now 12.30, I'm covered in oil and grease and sawdust and other stuff, theres a few spiders webs in my hair and probably a few spiders as well, the shed is even messier but I did learn to do something new, wasn't quite what I was expecting but least I can do it now.
I am going to sit down now and craft, my energy has disappeared. The picture has nothing to do with messy sheds or flat batteries, its just a pretty piccy of my crocheted daffs, it cheers me up. I think I will just chill out in the garden, have a read of the Better Homes and Gardens, catch up with a few blogs and then sit and sew or hook.
I forgot to mention my birthday, I'd forgotten all about that, quiet day, trip to the garden centre with a friend, coffee with another friend, grandkids came over, lots of hugs, risked a piece of cake, so far so good, no adverse effects, early night cuddled up with the dog, a hot water bottle and a good book.
Perhaps next birthday I will make up for this quiet one.
I see the surgeon on Tuesday, I'm feeling really good so hopefully we can put off surgery for a while. Okay, theres a seat with a comfy cushion in a patch of sun calling my name. Toodles.