Sunday, April 19, 2015

April Showers

After a very dry 'Wet Season' we are now getting rain in Autumn, its certainly cooled it down a tad, the unseasonal heat was draining me. Not that we get very cold here in the Tropics but the rain is very welcome. Christmas came and went, a very quiet low key affair. It was great to have all my boys in the one house without world war three breaking out. We celebrated Christmas with an exceptionally wonderful Coyle family traditional bacon butty breakfast. Mum and my brother joined in via Skype from the UK. We were so stuffed with breakfast that after everyone had gone on to other parties Matt and I decided we couldn't be bothered with christmas dinner later in the arvy so we just made a salad and had a bit of ham with it, suited us fine and we lazed around for the rest of the day.
Easter was upon us before we knew it, I got to meet Lavinias family and we had a big barbi out the back under the trees, kids running all over the place, wine, chocolate and beer flowing.
Stacey plaited Liams beard. Life has quietened down again and back to a steady pace. I've had all my heart, thyroid and diabetes checks, had a small gyni op and am now awaiting to see whether my thyroid has to be removed. Everything else ok. My hooks having been flying and ami's, flower garlands and other shawls have all been created.
The Bikini Tree got a new suit, tourists from all over the world have posed with it. I'm hoping to do a new one for winter, i thought about a flower and leaf one. The whole town is so pretty with the garden club adding hanging flower baskets and beautifying the town. I get a bit p'd off with living in a tourist village, but then when I am working in the info centre and visitors tell me how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful place, I feel blessed. Hope it won't be too long before I have something else to say. Jan

Monday, December 8, 2014

Waffling on about nowt in particular

I've been clearing out drawers, rearranging my office space and pottering today.  6 bags of rubbish to toss.  I didnt find my federal police check notice but I found lots of other stuff I didnt know I had lost. I also found time to create.....i'm trying to make as many snowflakes as I can this week, bright bold colours have figured so much in my recent work that using just plain old white seems rather strange.  15 made so far, I'll probably need another 45 for what i need to make, so thats 2 days work.  
Christmas is rearing its ugly head way too soon.  Each year i celebrate it less and less, things don't seem to matter anymore.  Thats not a bad thing.....i just do the things that do matter and stress less over the things that don't. Family and friends are important to me, but I'm not going to send myself broke buying them all expensive pressies or something they don't want.  It's one thing I refuse to stress over.  I love to select gifts i know they will use and appreciate and if it costs Under $10 the more the better and if I can make something I know they will love and appreciate then I put my all into it.  Ok, battery about to die and I want to get another 15 snowflakes made.  Better go get the washing in as well, looks stormy again. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

December Update

We had a beaut storm last night, lots of lightning and thunder and a fair amount of rain.  It carried on way into the early hours, the house shaking with the thunder.  The power was flicking off and on.....right in the good bits of Inspector Lynley and just when i was on an intricate bit of crocheting.  I was surprised there was only 33mm in the rain gauge, sounded like a lot more.
Ok, so thats the weather report out of the way, now to get down to the interesting stuff.
Hooking.  The name of this blog just isnt doing it for me anymore, my world of Little Petal blog and Hooking in the Tropics aren't working either.  Do I start a new blog and move over posts i want to keep and get rid of the others.  I've certainly hooked up plenty this year, including three extra large bikinis, 2 dozen prs of fingerless mitts, 12 baby blankets, 8 flower garlands and almost 50 ami's.  Hooking and embroidery are my two main passions, admittedly embroidery has taken a huge backseat for the moment.  I'm happy with what I have achieved this year.  Surprisingly the carpal tunnel pain has gone, the only time i get aggro from it is if I have too much wheat or forget my magnesium tablets.
There is such a lot that I want to make...lacy shawls, more garlands and yes, lots more ami's.  When I get bored and have the need to create yet don't want to start a big project I make flowers, when i finish a project and have a small amount of yarn left, I make flowers.  These have built up into quite a substantial collection so I have bagged them up and have them for sale in a friends shop.
Extra large dreamcatchers are big now, using old doilies and bits of lace and embellishments, not my cup of tea but I've sold a few of my odd bits and pieces to crafters who are using them in projects. One lady bought a doiley which is to be the centre piece of a huge dreamcatcher that will hang over her daughters wedding table.  I've a good stash of old magazines and crochet books with lots of lovely old fashioned doileys in.  I'm slowly working my way through them looking for pretty, quick and easy ones to make.
This year has whizzed  by so fast but there is still just over three weeks of making left and I am sure I can get quite a lot done in that time.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Bad, Bad Blogger

I am a bad blogger, once upon a time I used to make regular posts, I was always reading others blogs and its such a chore.  I was busier then, no excuse now, I have lots of free time, I am doing more things, life is interesting.  I no longer have the need to tell the entire world every detail of my life. I craft, I make beautiful things but I Have no urge to post every single stitch. Was it blogger overload or have I moved on, was I looking for validation that I was on the right track? Who knows and to be quite honest...who cares?
But for those who do care here is an update. This is what I made recently for the village, its to replace the one i made before that got stolen. Ryan and Lavinia got engaged and bought a house. Matt is living back home with me.  I'm still vollying at the info centre and being a literacy tutor.  My health is good. The garden is good, we just had a major trim of all the trees.  I resisted the temptation to get a new puppy. I'm still housekeeping the holiday home next door.  The house still needs the plumbing fixed, the floorboards need replacing in various rooms the whole place needs a repaint. Such is life and it goes on and on and on. I'm enjoying being alive. I'm not going to make any promises to be a better blogger cos I know thats going to be a big porky and I will soon break it.