Saturday, June 12, 2010

June already

Thought I'd better post to let you all know I'm still alive and kicking. Job fizzled out, what they didn't tell you was that it was 15 - 20 hours a week but those hours were split between a team of women. So its back to the job hunt.  I've been cold canvassing this week, what a demeaning thing that is. 
Long weekend this weekend, lots going on. Tour de Tableland Bike Race, Peeramon Feral Pig Hunt, African Circus, Row Boat Regatta on the Lake. All in the same area. There will be rolling road closures tomorrow while they do the time trials and at the same time hunters will be rushing to get thier pigs weighed in. Plus all the boaties, all using the same damm roads.  Timed all that well didn't they.   I'm staying home and being a grumpy old woman. One thing I don't want is to be stuck behind a ute full of dead pigs. 
Mind you there might be a lot of extra men around the place, all those male bike riders in tight lycra shorts, might be worth getting stuck behind them.
Number 2 son has finally got the horticultural traineeship he wanted, so next step is finally moving out. He's saving up for his rental bond and a few house things.  At least I won't be worried about him not eating properly - he's a great cook. 


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