Monday, May 10, 2010


I blinked and there it was and more than a  week had flown by.  I've been training, its not rocket science but everything has to be done just so.  and there are stairs...........I can run up and down them and get my exercise for the day, I think though by lunch time today the novelty had worn off.  I've stretched and I've bent and I've lifted weights, who needs to go to the gym - just get a job as a house-keeper.

Modeling the latest range of kitchen chic is Punky Plunger.  A soft varigated wool knitted in stocking stitch and subjected to much agitating then decorated with pretty little crochet flowers and leavesand a meandering of running stitch between each flower. Three buttons and felted loops (not shown) hold the whole package together.

I got bored so I got creative. Next will be a hotty watty botty cosy made from a felted fair isle jumper from the op-shop.

1 comment:

  1. Soooo, how's the job going? Must be flat out cos you haven't posted for a bit!!
