Sunday, March 7, 2010

midnite ramblings

Why was I, at just gone midnight frantically vacumming. I'd had my UK crime fix - The Bill, Blue Murder and then an episode of Midsomer Murders I don't remember seeing before so it just gone midnight when the tele went off. I walked into the bedrooom and there suspended about a foot over the bed was a big spider, closer inspection revealed it had made a web from the top shelf in the wardrobe down to a bed post back up to the ceiling back down to the diagonally opposite bedpost back up to the ceiling and then to each of the other bedposts and was proceeding to weave a gigantic web over the bed.  I did briefly consider sleeping on the sofa but as the vacumm was still on the bedroom floor I set to, the spider fell onto the bed and went under the cushions, I was waving the vacumn around in the air trying to get as much of the web up as I could, the spider tried to haul itself up what must have been an emergency line and I homed in on it.  Just in case it had a mate it was weaving the web for I ended up vacumming all the nooks and crannys and then spraying surface spray all around with one quick last spray up the hose of the vacumn (I wasn't going to let the little pest creep out and get me in the night) Sod the ozone layer just this once, there was no way I was going to sleep there unless I knew I wasn't going to be attacked by a giant spider.  When I finally got to sleep it was very fitful, every little itch woke me and I was looking around for spiders.

The day started off sunny but its just gone overcast, so I'm not going to work in the garden today, I've decided to have a lazy day (I really mean it this time).  I finished the primula cross stitch and have started on crocuses. I went in to town yesterday to get more threads, came home made a start on it and then went back to town for some plant pots and potting compost. I potted up some Cordylines and Mother in Laws tongue.  M.I.L's tongue has just been declared a noxious weed in Queensland just when I've finally got it growing well in a garden bed, so I dug it up and potted it in a big terracotta pot.  I moved pots around on the verandah and made a nice little sitting area.  I did the washing, folded and put away everything.  So today nothing really needs doing. 

So now I'm going to go and continue being lazy.


Friday, March 5, 2010


My friend was feeling under the weather again, so I decided we'd leave it till Monday as I didn't want to go over to Mareeba by myself. It was our planned girls day out.

I decided to go grocery shopping instead and feeling energetic I decided to walk beforehand and check out all the op-shops. Parking spaces opened up for me just as I got to them, roads cleared of traffic just as I wanted to cross over. I found a nice pair of pants in one shop with a blue ticket half price sale - that meant only $3, but there was another ticket on it for $3 so she halved that, so I got them for 1.50.  I had ditthered over buying a t-shirt in Millers last week it was marked down in the sale to $8 from $20 I couldn't decide between the pink or green and I finally decided on the pink, but in the op-shop today they had the green one, never worn for $3.  Then I went to another op-shop and got a vintage crochet pattern book for 20c.
I walked back to the car and went to the store and got a parking space straight away - under the shade cover and facing forward.  The day got even better when i was unpacking the grocerys and found I hadn't been charged for the chicken breasts.  Considering how many times I've been overcharged I reckon we're even.  My son was even in a happy mood as there is the chance of getting on a training scheme.  I got on the scales and I've lost half a kilo. So, can this day get any better.


Why do we do it. What is it with us women. When we say we're going to do nothing and have an easy day why don't we mean it.  What we really mean an easy day on top of all the things we do to run a household anyway. The washing, the ironing, the putting away, then the thinking up meals, the shopping, the preparing a meal. Weeding the garden, dusting, cleaning out cupboards, decluttering, vacumming.  Are we so afraid that if someone comes and says 'and what did you do today' and you reply "oh I had an easy day today" that they are gonna look around the place and say"yep, it sure looks like it".  I'm long since past caring about that.  But whenever I say I'm going to have an easy day I seem to find extra energy to get big jobs done.  Perhaps an easy day for me is one where I can get extra jobs done - but at my leisure. If I want to pull everything out of the cupbaords and then go and sit down for 20 mins stitching then I can. If I want to leave the vacumm in the middle of the room till I get a fresh burst of energy to finish then I will.  Which is exactly what I did yesterday.
Though leaving the vacumm in the bedroom doorway wasn't such a good idea as I forgot it was there at bedtime and went flying.

But today - its an easy day.  Shoe shopping. Theres  big shoe sale over in Mareeba and thats where a friend and I are headed in about an hour.  Which means I better get a wriggle on and get showered and dressed.


Thursday, March 4, 2010


The worst thing about laundry is that just as soon as you fold it, put it away there it is back in the washing machine.  I tackled the mountain of clean clothes early this morning and sorted it all out and then put it all away.
Yesterday we managed to get out to my friends garden - WOW. She's been busy, its an amazing place, we felt like we were touring round a botanical garden. We managed to get a few cuttings as well.  When I got home my son had mowed and just left a little for me to do.
Today I think I'm going to take it easy, quielty cross stitiching, maybe read a little. Tomorrow we're going over to Mareeba to see a another friend and do some retail therapy.  This week has been really busy and its nearly the weekend again. Where is the time going.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The wine never got opened I got so stuck into cross stitching I nearly missed Greys and then continued to stitch while it was on.  Should finish it today.  Trying to get out to my friends place again today but it looks like the rain has settled in for the day. Not much fun out in the rainforest when its wet and damp.

The laundry cupboard badly needs sorting out and theres a great big pile of clean washing to sort and maybe one or two things to iron.  I need another big project. Perhaps I'll dig out a couple of ufo's and see if I can get them finished.  A couple of rose ones I started when Mik was still alive so its about time they were done and dusted. My yarn box needs a good sort out yet again.  So if I clean out the laundry cupboard I'll reward myself with 30 mins in the craft room.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I finally did it

Big sigh of relief. The dolls pattern is all finished and sent off for submission. Now we play the waiting game.
It took all day - to retype out, triple check, add the photo's. I refused to leave the computer until I had hit that send button.  I don't think I had lunch and I've only had one coffee today. So I deserve a proper coffee for all that hard work.  Actually I have a bottle of wine chilling but I'm going to save that for Greys Anatomy later tonight.  My son cooked a beef casserole for dinner which was very edible, unfortunately he left me the washing up to do. 
So now I'm going to settle down to do a bit of cross stitching.

Vicky, if you go over to my other blog I've done the first installment of our move to australia, I know you wanted to hear more.


Friday, February 26, 2010


We had a couple of days brief interlude from the rain but now its back, just in time for the markets and my planned weekend of visiting garage sales and this big native plant nursery with friends.
Its cooled down a bit, quite pleasant. I'm sooo longing for winter and temps of 40 and 50, its a pleasant 70 this morning but will probably rise to 80+. The days are starting to cool down a bit (not quick enough for me though). Theres still the danger of cyclones right through to the end of March.

My foots okay, nothing broken just bruised and sore. It didn't stop me climbing up on the chair again. Cos someone had put the steps back in their proper place for once and I couldn't get them down.  I found one of my little Wade things on the net. The buyer wanted $38 for each of them so I thought I'd better get them cleaned up - now I know where all those beetles that fly in every night go to die.  They date back to the mid 50's (the Wade not the beetles) and I think I payed $5 for the pair of them about 6 years ago. I also identified a Wade cruet as well from the 50's but I paid $10 for that in an antique market in Brisbane 4 years ago.  I haven't found anything remotely like the pink Johnson Bros teapot, the design on the lid I think is from the friendly village series which was done over a few decades.  I've been through the entire sites of Go Antiques and RubyLane, now I'm cruising through etsy.

I got the most beautiful cross stitch flower book from the library yesterday and they have a gorgeous daffodil and tulip in it and there was also a primrose/primula in it. I'm so glad we get the books for a month now. I'm making a start on the Primula one this morning.  It should cover 20mins to get everything together and maybe make the first stitch. I can't wait.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Well it was a really stupid thing to do, I thought so at the time and I thought so half way through doing it and I even thought so before I did it........but I did it anyway.

...........I climbed on the kitchen chair (the one with the wobbly leg - they all have wobbly legs but this one just had the one) to photograph my collection of mustard pots, I couldn't get one of the doors open on the wall cupboard so I climbed up onto the dining table (which I had polished that day), thats when I got worried. Carefully stepping down onto the chair I thought I was home safe and then my foot slipped. Visions of me lying there with a broken leg flashed through my mind and I managed  to right myself only to slip off the chair, i fell sideway and tried to grab the chair before it hit the deck, didn't quite make it as I trod on my pants leg and couldn't move. So the back of the chair hit my foot. Yells of pain, curses raining down, hopping round the kitchen.  Its fine when I don't walk on it, my toe next to the big one has swollen up, see how it is in the morning before I start panicing.   But me being a brave little soldier I got back on the chair and took the blooming photo's.
So here they are (not all of them though)  Some are glass, some are EPNS, some silver and some are china. My favourite set is the CarltonWare cruet set with the apple pear and plum. Now if you get curious and click on the photo's they come up really big, please close your eyes to the cobwebs, being only little and the cupboards being high up on the wall I never get to see the tops. That can be tomorrows job - only this time I'll get the steps out of the shed.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Oh boy, I ache all over, if I worked for a living I'd be curling back under the covers right about now and getting someone to phone me in sick. My arms ache, my chest aches, my legs ache, my boobs ache, I feel like I have run a marathon.
What has caused this you ask - a seven year old and a three year old. I'm not cut out to be the 'fun' grandma.
Lifting  stuck kids off slippery dips and climbing frames, swing me higher grandma, catch me grandma, I'll beat you back to the car grandma, lets run in the water by the lakes edge grandma and see how wet we can get grandma, come on grandma Stacey let the dog out we gotta go chase her, you run that way grandma (MOI - RUN, I DON'T THINK SO). I've got We're Going On a Bear Hunt running through my head, I dreamt about being chased by bears all night, that and this silly old man playing nick nack all night long - I know what I'd like to nick nack and it wouldn't be his shoe.  We did have out quiet time though which involved turning half the front room into one giant tent with sheets and the carpet into a minefield of lego and duplo and crayons and buttons and Mr. Game (I resurrected this from the boys old toy cupboard). I managed to get the little one playing quietly by herself while I quickly gave Jess a  sewing lesson and got her started on a little embroidery for her mum. Oh - and we made sock puppets.  While the girls were playing quietly I went and made myself a cup of coffee (which I never got to drink) and watered a few pot plants and put the washing on and made lunch.  All this, which was noted by Matt - Hey Ma, you realise you've still got a sock puppet monster on your hand. 
At the end of the day there was one little old lady with a bar of Tiramisu chocolate in one hand a glass of wine in the other settling down to watch the demise of  Dr. Who.  Oh, David Tennant I'm gonna miss you. You could of whisked me away in the Tardis any day - I can handle my grandkids, I could of handled all those space monsters.

I'm going to go get dressed now, make the bed, sort the washing out, put the pots away, vacumm and then thats it for the day from me.  I'll be spending the rest of the day in a leisurely fashion recuperating. Unless of course the 'real' world has something else in store for me which it normally does.


Saturday, February 20, 2010


Oh boy, it was 8.45 a.m. when I climbed out of bed this morning. Not a happy camper at all.  We have bandicoots here, they squek like an old teddy and they love to dig up the lawn with their long snouts, searching for bugs and worms.  Especially when the ground is soft after rain.  I was rudely awakened by frantic squeking in the early hours, I actually thought they were under the bed, the dogs hackles are up and she's growling like mad. Our house is raised off the ground on stumps so we store all the building timber under there, I could hear the timber being moved and dull thuds. I really don't know what was going on under there. Then it went quiet for a while, the dog still growling though. Next doors dog  in the high set started growling and barking as well.  I dozed off to be awakened shortly afterwards with scratching in the wall above my bed., the dog sat on my pillows wondering why she can hear something but can't see it. I really don't think bandicoots climb internal walls so it must have been a rat. Oh great just what I need.  If it was a burglar I probably scared him away anyway - me thumping round the house, cursing and muttering things about I'll shoot the damm thing and rip it limb from limb - when I am disturbed from my peaceful sleep I'm not a very nice person to be around.  If it is a rat, its probably sitting in the wall cavity laughing at me thinking its going to stay there till it dies and then stink the house out.

We did have beautiful blue skies - I managed to pry my eyes open and squint into the sun, but now they are grey again, more rain and storms threatened.  So many things i want to do but I just can't be bothered, this apathy is killing me.  I forced myself into the shower this morning, my hair needed washing and I couldn't bear another day of having it tied back to hide the fact it was looking a bit tatty. I'm so close to getting the doll pattern finished, I managed to get stuffing yesterday. I was out all morning, bumping into friends and catching up on all the goss and then coffee with another friend, a cruise round the craft shop and then off to grocery shop. It was lunchtime before i got home. 

I can't even be bothered to go to the library, I've read all the books I got on Tuesday   I hate being like this, I want to go off garage saling, looking in antique shops, I want to find that elusive bargain.  The last one I got was a sweet little chest of drawers, its needs a new bottom in one of the drawers, new handles and a new coat of paint. But it sits in the spare room waiting to be brought back to life.   Perhaps I should just go jump in the car and go for a drive, who knows what I will find.
