Not quite sure where I am going with this but after discussing things with my job network officer I have decided to look at doing a Cert 4 in Justice Admin course at TAFE. I can't try to get into the Certificate of Genealogy with SAG till next year but if I want to go into the field of forensic genealogy it might benefit me to do the Justice course. All a bit scary, its something i hadn't even considered but theres no harm in giving it a go. All the questions running through my head at the moment - am I clever enough, am I capable of the work load, am I too old to study and the biggy - what if I am successful at it. Do you know that fear of success is what holds a lot of people back from attempting things............once you are successful then others have more expectations of you, you then have to follow through with everything, fear of failure and not being able to keep up with everything creeps in so you self sabatage before you have even got your first course assignment. Can you see where I am going with this, already I'm thinking up excuses why I can't do this. I have to admit that I have not got the stamina to do the cleaning/housekeeping and maybe I should be looking in other directions. Again I was selling myself short, refusing to believe in my capabilities and accepting that cleaning was the only thing I was qualified and capable of.
Putting my worries aside I am going to immerse myself in the threads and stitches of my latest projects, started on number 4 last night, stitched until my eyes were crossed and stinging and I caught myself dozing off with needle in hand.
Yesterday was a sad day for our little township, we farewelled one of our own local men, a young man who chose to live his life how he wanted, a young man who was a son, brother, partner and friend and who gave his life for his country. Its been in the public eye and now after what must seem an eternity for his parents they can finally have the privacy they need to bury and grieve over their son. Ben Chuck, God Bless You and may His Love surround your family.
Well JanJan, if you are clever enough to have found me, based on a vague memory of a vague memory, then I think you can do just about anything you want to do!!! Good luck with it and take it on with enthusiasm. I know you will do wonderfully.
Go for it girl!! Possibly the main challenge will be the workload but you won't know about that until you give it a go. Just do it!! If you don't you know you'll regret it.