I can't fight it, the cute has to stay. Maybe I'll do cute and weird together.
I love these guys |
Yungaburra Wacky Birds |
Pink Flying Pig |
I've been cruising through my photographs. The cuteness just jumps out, I cannot escape it.
Unfortunately I am not in the mood. I had thought perhaps seeing all my creations would fire up the old creative juices. There was a little stirring, not enough to make me jump up for my hook though.
Rereading though years of old posts, I can see this is a regular occurrence. I can also see that this is the longest slump I have been in.
Family history and writing have taken over. I
am immersing myself in the past. I have a few weeks before the last unit of the Diploma in Family History that I am doing starts and I had hoped to have quite a few ami's made. But time-travelling takes up all my time.
The uni is talking about extending the Diploma and adding an Advanced Diploma. That's all I need. I have got addicted to learning. I recently did a course in Understanding Dementia and now have an opportunity to further it. The uni is offering three different levels in Dementia Care studies. I suppose if I was still in the workforce and expecting to work till I was mid 60's it might be a worthwhile pursuit. The level I want to do is a two year + course. That would take me to just over 60. It does interest me. I found what happens to the brain when Alzheimer's takes hold fascinates me. My mother was diagnosed a few years ago and is now in a care facility in the UK. Slowly, slowly we are losing her. The upheaval of being taken out of her own home against her will and being put into a substandard care home greatly affected her. By the time my brother was notified of this, the damage had been done and her overall health was compromised.
Eventually my brother was able to get her into a home nearer to him. I researched homes in his area and gave him the list of the top ones for him to check out. We found a lovely one, very caring and with special Dementia Carers. We have SKYPE calls and she is a lot happier and her health is improving. She still knows who I am but is forgetting certain words, this is distressing to her. She thinks she is in a posh hotel and is on holiday. But she is still very independent and finds it hard to have her meals prepared for her and her cleaning done.
The home is expensive, but we would rather this than a cheaper alternative with bad care. It is 'end of life' care and she deserves to be cared for in a respectful and dignified way.
I'm working in the information centre this morning. As always, I'll take my little bag of crochet... little tiny flowers. I never get chance to do any, even if I was inspired to do so. School goes back next week I think, so there might be less tourists around. There hasn't been many tourists around but what there has been have been very demanding. Not in a bad way, the majority of them are lovely, but some are unused to the distances they have to travel and the weather and how it affects our roads. With all these wild storms along the east coast the roads can be very dangerous. There has been a lot of flooding and people tend to take chances when crossing flooded roads. Believe me, I know how scary it can be. On that note, I better get a wiggle on. I have to open up the centre, put on my happy face and be sweetness and light.
Flora, the first ami doll I designed |